Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sydney lovebirds

Cute, huh? The first picture was a stroke of good luck - they'd been hopping from branch to branch and just happened to sit side-by-side like that just long enough for me to snap them. I loved the picture so much I kept an eye out for avian pairs the rest of my trip. I like the Opera House couple too (even though that's a blurry shot).

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Speed blogging

I'm feeling incredibly busy and time-poor right now (and also low-energy and tired) so tonight is not the night for long rambling posts, even though I am way behind in telling you about Cute Canadian, among other things.

I leave for a four-day weekend in Sydney on Thursday morning so I have just three days at work this week to get a whole lot of stuff done... Also, next weekend I've signed up to do a three-day training in something bold, physical and well out of my comfort zone. I have some prep to do and no time people, no time!

So in lieu of details, details, details, you get a maximum of eight carefully chosen words on CC and Quirky Film Guy.

Cute Canadian: kind, generous, conversation/chemistry lacking, yet still contending...

Quirky Film Guy: entertaining, interesting, inspiring, über-smooth, departing on location...

Actually, 8 words each almost brings you right up to speed... I'll fill in some gaps when I'm back from Sydney.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Brown and orange and blonde and bald

I'm holding out on you - three weekends of dates with Cute Canadian have passed us by and not a one has made its way into a post yet...

I will endeavour to remedy that in the next couple of days but for now I just don't have the time to do it justice.

In the meantime, tomorrow night I'm having drinks with Quirky Film Guy from speed dating. I'm expecting to enjoy myself because he's a smart, fun, creative guy with a way cool job. I'm not counting on sparks though. I hesitate to confess this because it's shallow but the red-headed guys do nothing for me, generally speaking. Actually neither do the blondes. Or bald guys, now that I think of it.

If I'm really honest, I'm a brunette gal looking for a man-brunette to call her own. However, a wise friend once said to me that we should be open to the possibility that love may one day come in a package different to the one we expected.
Sounds sensible to me, so drinks with cool, quirky, red-headed film guy tomorrow night it is...